GCC’s aspirational new Strategic Plan will accelerate our work as an organization, deepening the ways we invest in local community organizations, while growing and diversifying our membership.  

Building on more than 25 years of collective impact as a leading community-based climate action movement, the new plan maps how we will work together with our members from across the country to advance transformative, equitable, and lasting change at this pivotal juncture for humanity and the earth. 

Fundamentally, we believe our model, which honours, mobilizes, and builds the knowledge and capacity found within communities is and should be rooted in an environmental justice framework. We understand the climate crisis is also a crisis of inequity and disparity. Through our plan, we are recommitting to a path that is inclusive, humble, and fair. We also commit to reconciliation not as a single objective but as an ongoing process in which we are invested. Our actions and approach will respect Indigenous rights, jurisdiction, and perspectives, and as we move forward, we will work to build stronger and more balanced relationships. 

Between 2022 and 2026, we are committed to three key strategic goals: 

Goal One: Strengthen our Vibrant Collective.

GCC is a growing national network that connects community-based non-profit climate action groups from across the country. GCC empowers and amplifies the work of our members through relationship building, knowledge and resource sharing, and collective advocacy.  

Goal Two: Accelerate Transformative Climate Solutions.

GCC provides strong national leadership to help communities take meaningful local action to address the climate crisis. GCC’s programs and services are evidence- and member-informed, providing the supports necessary to scale-up grassroots solutions.  

Goal Three: Build Organizational Resilience and Equity.

GCC is a resilient organization with the financial, cultural, and structural assets needed to support a strong and diverse staff, membership, and board. GCC demonstrates an ongoing commitment to reconciliation, anti-oppression, and environmental justice. 

In our Strategic Plan, we chart our course toward the advancement of these goals, identifying clear approaches and measures of success. We have also developed an Impact Model that illustrates how and why we do this work. GCC commits to accountability around our progress. We will publish an Annual Report that includes key indicators related to our Strategic Goals. We will identify where we are succeeding, where we are encountering challenges, and how we are adapting and growing.

We are excited about our Strategic Plan and enormously grateful to our staff, board, and members who actively participated in the development of this shared path forward.

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