London Environmental Network (LEN) is the 2021 Green Community Member of the Year. LEN took home the honours at GCC’s Annual General Meeting, held 28 June.

LEN joined GCC in 2020 and has been an active member, generously sharing its knowledge and expertise with GCC and our network of member organizations. LEN was commended for its program work, and the excellent job it does in communications and activating online.

A new award unveiled this year, the Social Equity Award, went to EcoSuperior, Thunder Bay, ON, for its work to promote equity and diversity within the organization and community.

Long-serving GCC Board member and former Chair Chris Birchall received the Lifetime Achievement Award for his many years of dedicated service and outstanding leadership.

Reep Green Solutions, Kitchener, ON, was a double winner: Outstanding Staff Person for Samantha Tremmel, and Outstanding Board Person for Treasurer Priyanka Lloyd.

Providing future generations with the tools and knowledge to adapt to a greener lifestyle garnered the Youth Engagement Award for Green Calgary.

GCC also recognized Mary Jane Patterson, Reep Green Solutions Executive Director, and Wallace Beaton, Ontario Active School Travel Community Engagement and Capacity Coordinator, with Resilience Awards for their many years of service.

Congratulations all!

More information on the awards and award winners here.

Click here to read the full GCNews July 2021 edition.

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