Reep Green Solutions, Kitchener, ON, is the 2019 Green Community Member of the Year. Reep is recognized for its work promoting environmental action through community engagement. 

GC Awards were presented at GCC’s AGM, 24 June. The annual awards recognize the many champions who work and volunteer with GCC and its member organizations. 

Reep also picked up two other awards: Environmental Lifetime Achievement Award for Paul Parker; and Outstanding Board Person Melissa Durrell. 

GreenUP, Peterborough, ON, won the Innovation Award for its approaches to community sustainability through neighbourhood-scale projects. GreenUP’s Heather Ray is 2019’s Outstanding Staff Person. 

The Youth Engagement Award went to Green Action Centre, Winnipeg, MB, for educating youth on green living through science-based messaging delivered in a fun and exciting manner. 

EcoSuperior, Thunder Bay, ON, took home the Spectacular Failure Award for its Light the Night bike-lamp program, which crashed and burned but then enjoyed a “triumphant redemption” after few tweaks. 

See here for the full list of award winners, including Resilience Awards for long service, along with award details.

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