Tianna Mighty (left) and Charlotte Estey (right) have joined GCC for the summer months.

Based in Winnipeg, MB, Tianna is working with our Green Infrastructure and Administrative Teams as Program Impact Support staff. She’s assisting with program development, impact assessment, and communications.

Tianna holds a BA in Environmental Science from the University of Manitoba, and has worked as the Climate Change Adaptation Assistant for the Rural Municipality of East St. Paul, and as a Biodiversity Researcher at Nature Canada.

In her spare time, Tianna is active in her local basketball community. A veteran of the University of Manitoba’s Bison Basketball team, Tianna now coaches varsity girls’ basketball at her former high school.

Charlotte is working with our Active Transportation and Communications Teams as Communications Support staff, assisting with social media campaigns and developing program and website content.

Charlotte has a Master’s degree in Human Ecology: Culture, Power and Sustainability from Lund University in Sweden. While completing her degree, she spent five months living and volunteering at an ecovillage on an island in the Baltic Sea.

Charlotte lives in Toronto, and her interests include drawing, journaling, listening to podcasts, cycling, and running. She also loves flowers, and comedian Fred Armisen!

Tianna and Charlotte have been hired through the Canada Summer Jobs program.

Click here to read the full GCNews July 2022 edition.


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