The Pathways to Living Cities Framework

Green infrastructure can deliver and support community services like stormwater management, flood management, and water quality improvement. At the same time, green infrastructure offers many environmental, social, and economic benefits that traditional grey infrastructure does not. 

Cities in Canada and across the world are implementing green infrastructure to solve local problems and make their communities more climate-resilient, sustainable, and livable for everyone.  

Our Pathways to Living Cities Framework was created to help green infrastructure practitioners learn what has worked in other communities, and what they can do to be successful. Showcasing best practices, resources, and case studies from across North America and Europe, the Framework lays out key strategies that have helped cities to accelerate more abundant, equitable, and thriving green infrastructure. The Framework also highlights the importance of working in partnership with community and industry in order to advance green infrastructure on both public and private lands.

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We can help you scale up green infrastructure in your community!

Build a Customized Living Cities Policy Pathway that identifies opportunities and actions your city can take to scale up green infrastructure adoption and implementation. Get in touch with us to learn more about customized policy pathways and how our team can help.  

Create new green infrastructure in your community. Our new Living Cities Fund, which will support community-led green infrastructure projects,  is launching in early 2023. Sign up to be informed when the Fund launches and how you can apply for funding and support. The Living Cities Fund is sponsored by the Definity Insurance Foundation, with funding from the Definity Insurance Company.