
GCNews May 2023: Celebrating Earth Day

GCNews May 2023: Celebrating Earth Day

Green Communities Canada (GCC) celebrated Earth Day by launching its National Mini-Forest Pilot Program at Terra Nova Rural Park, in Richmond, BC. The planting event was the first of five that will take place across Canada this year. A minimum of 2,800 trees will be...

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GCNews April 2023: Advancing equity

GCNews April 2023: Advancing equity

In 2020, responding to the ongoing and widely publicized police violence against Black people and communities, Green Communities Canada embarked on a process to review whether and how its School Travel Planning framework might perpetuate racism and other forms of...

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The Importance of Home Insulation in Canada

The Importance of Home Insulation in Canada

Insulation is a key component of every Canadian home. It acts as a thermal barrier to keep heat inside our homes in the winter and outside in the summer. Even though the outside environment can vary dramatically, an energy efficient Canadian home can be comfortable...

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