
GCNews January: GCC in the spotlight

GCNews January: GCC in the spotlight

Statistic Canada’s infographic series highlighting progress on sustainable development goals features Green Communities Canada (GCC). Goal 11’s community spotlight showcases how Depave Paradise is making Canadian cities and communities more sustainable by converting...

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How Electric School Buses Can Support Active School Travel

How Electric School Buses Can Support Active School Travel

Although school buses are an important means of school travel for many students in Canada, diesel-powered buses harm their health and the environment. Electric school buses can support a holistic approach to student transportation by improving journeys for students traveling by bus and those who choose active school travel.

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GCNews December: Happy Holidays from GCC

GCNews December: Happy Holidays from GCC

As I look back on 2022, I’m so inspired by our network of local climate organizations. Across Canada, our members are engaging with residents, businesses, and governments to accelerate low-carbon solutions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Although this is a...

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How to Prepare Your Rain Barrels for Winter

How to Prepare Your Rain Barrels for Winter

Rain barrels are becoming very popular among Canadians, especially during the summer. They collect rainwater from rooftops, which can then be used to water gardens and lawns, clean garden tools, and wash cars. Rain barrels promote sustainability by reducing household...

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GCNews November: Giving Tuesday: #ReasonsToGive

GCNews November: Giving Tuesday: #ReasonsToGive

Help Green Communities Canada bring climate change action to your community by supporting our work on Giving Tuesday, 29 November. Donations to the Green Communities Foundation, our charitable affiliate, will help us continue to offer programs that combat flooding...

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GCNews October: Here we grow again!

GCNews October: Here we grow again!

Visitors at Seedy Saturday (hosted by Environment Lethbridge) GCC is pleased to announce Environment Lethbridge is its newest member organization. Founded in 2012, Environment Lethbridge provides residents and businesses with the tools and knowledge they need to live...

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