
The Importance of Home Insulation in Canada

The Importance of Home Insulation in Canada

Insulation is a key component of every Canadian home. It acts as a thermal barrier to keep heat inside our homes in the winter and outside in the summer. Even though the outside environment can vary dramatically, an energy efficient Canadian home can be comfortable...

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GCNews March: Major funding received

GCNews March: Major funding received

A $1 million grant from the from the TD Ready Challenge has allowed Green Communities Canada (GCC) to launch the Transform Stream of the Living Cities Fund. The Transform Stream is supporting community organizations across Canada to implement large-scale,...

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GCNews February: Show the planet some love

GCNews February: Show the planet some love

“When it was time to part with my truck I was happy to know Car Heaven would make sure all the components were recycled in a responsible way,” says William Skilton. “Having the proceeds support Green Communities Canada and getting a tax receipt were bonuses.” Car...

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