
Fall Flood Prevention Tips for your Home

Fall Flood Prevention Tips for your Home

The seasons are shifting, bringing with them colder temperatures, equal length days and nights, crisp falling leaves, bird migration, pumpkin-spiced everything, and… the dreaded fall flood.  When talking about floods, we mostly imagine the snowmelt and heavy rainfall...

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GCNews September: GCC staff on the move

GCNews September: GCC staff on the move

Kate Berry, GCC Program Director, has accepted a position with the City of Guelph’s Engineering and Transportation Department. Trained as a civil engineer, the move allows Kate to pursue her goal of attaining Professional Engineer status. Kate joined GCC six years ago...

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10 Native Autumn/Fall-Interest Plants for your Rain Garden

10 Native Autumn/Fall-Interest Plants for your Rain Garden

Autumn, like spring, is the perfect time to drop your plants! Unlike summer, when new plants need watering to settle in for the season, nature does much of the watering, with rain, in the milder seasons.   Perennials planted in the fall will overwinter and come back...

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GCNews August 2022: Join our Energy department

GCNews August 2022: Join our Energy department

  We’re looking for a Quality Assurance Manager to support our growing residential energy services. This is an opportunity for a Registered Energy Advisor to take on progressive responsibilities to support core EnerGuide services at a national level. Apply by 15...

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Shaping Public Policy to Support Sustainable Mobility for Children

Shaping Public Policy to Support Sustainable Mobility for Children

Researchers investigated how public policy impacts child mobility and shapes school travel behaviours. Drawing from across a large evidence base, they developed a suite of policy recommendations that provide a road map of opportunities for policy makers in school boards, municipalities and the provincial government.

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Five steps to maximize benefits from a home energy retrofit

Five steps to maximize benefits from a home energy retrofit

Energy retrofits play a critical role in helping tackle climate change. As a bonus, they help you save on your energy bills too. Retrofitting may improve or replace lighting, windows and doors, heating, cooling, and hot water systems, or add insulation and...

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GCNews July 2022: Meet GCC’s summer staff

GCNews July 2022: Meet GCC’s summer staff

Tianna Mighty (left) and Charlotte Estey (right) have joined GCC for the summer months. Based in Winnipeg, MB, Tianna is working with our Green Infrastructure and Administrative Teams as Program Impact Support staff. She’s assisting with program development, impact...

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