Preserve Canada’s Biodiversity: Protect Old Growth and Plant Mini Forests
Biodiversity is critical for the health and well-being of our planet, and Canada is home to incredibly diverse species and ecosystems. From the towering old growth forests of the Pacific Northwest to the vibrant Carolinian forests of southwestern Ontario, the natural...
GCNews March: Major funding received
A $1 million grant from the from the TD Ready Challenge has allowed Green Communities Canada (GCC) to launch the Transform Stream of the Living Cities Fund. The Transform Stream is supporting community organizations across Canada to implement large-scale,...
Celebrating Ontario Active School Travel’s Five Years of Impact
We are celebrating five years of amazing accomplishments in active school travel. Read along as we reflect on program highlights and the future of the Ontario Active School Travel program.
Grow urban forests in your community: Join our application to the 2 Billion Trees Program for 2024
Do you want to grow thriving urban forests in your community? Green Communities Canada (GCC) is inviting partners to join us to help establish mini forests in communities across Canada. We are looking for organizations to be a part of our application to the Urban Tree...
Green Communities Canada Receives $1M to Advance Equitable Green Infrastructure Projects Across Canada
Green Communities Canada is proud to announce the launch of the "Transform Stream" of the Living Cities Fund, made possible by a significant funding commitment through the TD Ready Challenge. We are one of 10 charitable organizations across North America to receive $1...
GCNews February: Show the planet some love
“When it was time to part with my truck I was happy to know Car Heaven would make sure all the components were recycled in a responsible way,” says William Skilton. “Having the proceeds support Green Communities Canada and getting a tax receipt were bonuses.” Car...
GCNews January: GCC in the spotlight
Statistic Canada’s infographic series highlighting progress on sustainable development goals features Green Communities Canada (GCC). Goal 11’s community spotlight showcases how Depave Paradise is making Canadian cities and communities more sustainable by converting...
National Active Transportation Fund Supports Data Collection for School Travel
Green Communities Canada (GCC) is thrilled to receive funding through the Government of Canada’s Active Transportation (AT) Fund to lead an Active School Travel (AST) data collection pilot in British Columbia to establish a travel mode baseline for Canadian...
How Electric School Buses Can Support Active School Travel
Although school buses are an important means of school travel for many students in Canada, diesel-powered buses harm their health and the environment. Electric school buses can support a holistic approach to student transportation by improving journeys for students traveling by bus and those who choose active school travel.
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Together, we can meet the urgent need for sustainable and climate-ready communities. As a member of our email community, you’ll receive updates about our work in communities across Canada, and you’ll learn how to empower and connect with your local community.