
Women leading on climate

Women leading on climate

GCC Executive Director Brianna Salmon and Water Programs Lead Emily Amon posted videos in response to former Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna’s Women Leading On Climate campaign. The campaign called on women and girls to share stories about...

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Creating car-free ‘School Streets’ around Ontario schools

Creating car-free ‘School Streets’ around Ontario schools

Green Communities Canada (GCC) is proud to introduce the Ontario School Streets Pilot project, which is testing the creation of car-free zones in streets adjacent to schools in three Canadian cities: Hamilton, Markham, and Mississauga. Each local pilot is being led on the ground by the local municipality and will develop recommendations for the planning, permitting, and implementation of School Streets programs in municipal settings.

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Identifying best practices in walking and wheeling skills training programs

Identifying best practices in walking and wheeling skills training programs

Green Communities Canada and Stuckless Consulting Inc. have partnered on a new project focused on walking & wheeling skills training in schools. Funded through Ontario Active School Travel, the core objective of the project is to enable efficient collaboration across communities on the delivery of in-school training by providing expert guidance, as well as access to vetted processes and tools.

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GCC has a new member!

GCC has a new member!

Saskatchewan Environmental Society (SES) is Green Communities Canada’s newest member organization. SES has been working on environmental issues in Saskatchewan for the past 50 years. Formed as a local Saskatoon, volunteer-run organization, SES has grown into a...

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